Hallo allemaal.
Op dagen dat ik erg moe ben of veel pijn heb en weinig puf om zelf creatief bezig te zijn dan vind ik het leuk om op internet naar het werk van anderen te kijken. Vandaag zag ik op youtube filmpjes staan van dames die mijn digi's hebben gebruikt. Ik vond het ook erg leuk dat ze de moeite hebben genomen om mijn naam erbij te vermelden. En toen kwam deze digi bij mij in gedachten, dus kon ik het toch niet laten...
Deze digi is dus om iedereen te bedanken die de tijd en moeite neemt om mijn naam bij hun creaties te vermelden op hun blog, website of welke manier dan ook!!!
Dank je wel!
psje als je het leuk vind om mij je werk te laten zien mag je me altijd de link naar je werk mailen ;)
groetjes Sliekje en katjes
Hi everybody.
At days when i am too tired or in a lot of pain and not able to be creative myself then i like to watch other people's work on the internet. Today i saw a few videos on youtube from ladies who have used my digi's. I also liked the fact that they mentioned my blog in their post. And then this digi came into my head, so i couldn't resist....
This digi is for all of you who take the time to mention my name with your creations on your blogs, websites or whatever other way!!!
Thank you!
By the way, for the curious people out there... i know my nickname Sliekje (which my mom gave me) seems strange in English but i guess it sounds something like sleek-yuh (just a short version of Angelique :)
ps if you like to show me your work you're always welcome to mail me the link ;)
greetings Sliekje and cats
59 opmerkingen:
Hoi Angelique,
Je digi's zijn weer erg schattig!
De kerstmuis met pudding staat in middels bij mijn creaties op mijn blog.. Voor degenen die wat inspiratie nodig hebben..
Cute image--thank you. You have a pretty name, too!
Ohhh, that is so cute! I LOVE it!!! Thanks so much for offering your freebies to everyone!!!
What a lovely name! thank you again for your lovely images they are so beautiful x
What a cute image! TFS!
That is adorable. I post cards I've made on Splitcoaststampers and always include a link to your blog. :-)
Very cute image. Also, your Teddy looks very much like my Ragdoll cat Sabrina. Check out my blog.
Barb from Toronto, Canada
This is adorable. Sorry your are in pain, hope you feel better soon. Hugs Anesha
So cute!
Thank you verry much.
Hugs Paula
Many thanks for this sweetie :) Wishing you non-stop pain-free days xox
sorry to read ,you are in such pain.wishing you to feeling better soon.sending hugs of comfort across the miles
this is the most
fabulous,wonderful,awesome.....(now i have to search for more words .......can't find more in my head:( i ever have see in blogland.
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`• .·:*¨·••·¨*:· Thank You.·:*¨·••·¨*:· for these gift you share with us.
i will make a lot cards for the Soldiers(OWH) whit these thank you image.
Bless you, your time, hard work and your amazing talent.Keep up the fabulous work. I wish you many more creative years of inspiration!!Greatly appreciate all the adorable free images you offer.
(¨`•.•´¨) Hugs
.`•.¸(¨`•.•´¨) from the
(¨`•.•´¨)¸.•´ HEART,
.`•.¸.•´ Snowbird
Wat een cutie is dit ook weer zeg !!
Groetjes, Marjan
This is so cute. Thank you.
cute, thank you. Hugs Berni
This is just so adorable! Thank you for sharing these wonderful images with us!
How very adorable, i love it. Thank you for this cute thank you digi, hugs, Cathy k
Superleuke stempel xxxxx
Laf joe Ma
So very cute, thank you so much.
so cute!! thank you!!
So cute - thanks so much for sharing!
Angelique, this is super adorable. Thanks so much.
Blessing hugs,
THank you for such a cute digi. I am working on a card at the moment using one of your digi and will mail you the link when I finish it. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs, Suze
Ze zijn weer superrrr Sliekje
dank je wel
gr lenny
Hope you're feeling better! Love the image you created! Thank you; thank you; thank you! It is so sweet! (HUGS!)
How cute, I love it. Thank you so very much for sharing.
Just Love your sweet digis. Know about pain, have bad back & knee.. Also have 2 sweet kittis in house and one outside that came to visit and stay.
I'm having a bit of trouble getting my comment to stick to the board today, so here's my third try. Many apologies if you get 3 copies of this! :)
At any rate, it's we who should be thanking *you*. Your work is so beautiful and I just adore all your critters. Thank you so much for sharing them. I hope your pain subsides quickly!
OMG, this is the cutest one yet. Thanks for sharing! I love your name and nickname.
absolutely adorable...thank u so very much:)
Thank you for this adorable image!!!
Thanks for sharing!!
I too have seen some wonderful creations using your digis, even if your name is not mention they are instantly recognisable. Thank YOU very much for sharing your beautiful digis with us.
Thankyou so much for this great digi. Take care. Lynne from OZ
Thank you for the 2 new ones. There is no mistaking your work, loving the holiday ones.
Wunderschön!!!!! Ganz herzlichen Dank für Deine wunderschönen Motive.
Liebe Grüße
I hope you have some good, pain-free days very soon, Sliekje. Sending big hugs!!! This is an awesome image. Thank you. xxx
Thanks for the cute digi.
Thank you!!
Thank you! This is soooo cute! Can't wait to use it. Creative Blessings!
oh die is geweldig lief!!
dank je wel,
Thank you very much for sharing... and also thanks for sharing about your nickname! Very sweet...
What a gorgeous image to say thank you. Thank YOU for these wonderful, generous acts of kindness you keep giving to us. :-) xx
Your images are always so cute and sweet! Thanks for sharing your talent.
Thanks so much! This pair will be used many times on cards!
"Landed" at your website by coincidense. I´m so glad I did! Fabulous drawings! And everything free to use - that it so generous of you! I will be sure to tell that you´re behind the drawings when I make my cards.
Thank you so much!
/Jennica, Umeå Sweden
Oh how stinking cute!!! Thank you very much!!!!!!
hugs, Heidi
Thank you for sharing - especially your adorable cats. I have a friend who wants so many "cat cards" - now I have a head start for next summer! I hope you are feeling better, and that our encouraging words will help.
CUTE!! Thank you. :)
Wat heb jij mooie stempelafdrukken.
Bedankt ervoor
Ga zo verder nu wil ik nog iets meer leren over stempels inkleuren en wat je het beste kan gebruiken ( maar dan zo goed koop mogelijk )Als ik stempels inkleur doe ik nu met quapotloden.
Groetjes knutseline ( ine )
Thank you. I love this image & can see that it will come in handy! :)
What a very cute way of expressing thanks! You are just full of great ideas! Thanks so much.:)
Thank you for sharing your talents. Such a cute digi!
Hope you feel better.
Deze is echt gewéldig!!! Dank je Angelique voor al die schitternde digi's
grt Angela
Jij bedankt!!! Ik ben eindelijk ook weer van de partij en heb net een heleboel prachtige digi's van je gedownload. Ik ga ook nog op je andere blog kijken!
Groetjes Adriana
I always wondered how to pronounce your name....now I know! I even can spell it now without having to look. Thanks again for your amazing generosity.
Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing :)
Wishing you pain free days (I too have days where pain overtakes and doesn't allow me to craft).
Keep well,
Mandy :)
Just wanted you to see a card I did using this darling digi! :-D http://mygrammysattic.blogspot.com/2012/09/let-best-friends-party-on.html
Hi Angelique: I can not go with out saying thank you for the beautiful digis, I enjoy them as much as I enjoy reading you blog. I have been busy, the family just moved from Washington to Bismarck North Dakota. I'll always make time to thank you for your generosity :) God Bless you and keep you safe.
My card http://arteglazejowka.blogspot.com/2013/04/lift-z-humorem.html Thank You :)
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