On this blog I want to share my FREE digi stamps with you.


I just love to draw and in this way I can share my God-given talents with as many people as possible.

Please read terms of use.

Most important rule: Have fun with my digi stamps!


Click on the image and save the large file on your pc or tablet.

It's okay to share or pin the images, just don't sell the images keep them for FREE as I give them for nothing to you!
Credits to me would be nice :)

Look at the older posts too because it is full of digi stamps!
More than 350!


vrijdag 24 mei 2013

I'm still here :)

Hallo allemaal.
Ik leef nog hoor :)
Tis alweer een maand geleden dat ik een digi heb geplaatst, dat is voor mijn doen erg lang! M'n gezondheid werkt niet zo mee en het kost me daarom op het moment ook meer moeite om wat te tekenen, laatstaan te schilderen! Maar de creativiteit zal vast wel weer terug komen, jullie moeten vrees ik alleen wat meer geduld hebben omdat ik minder vaak digi's plaats ;)
Ik heb ook het sliekjes cute stuff blog en moms cards blog verwijderd omdat het gewoon te veel werk is om zoveel blogs te onderhouden. Ik concentreer me liever op m'n twee belangrijkste blogs.
Ondertussen heeft m'n printer het begeven en ook m'n scanner deed het niet lekker meer dus een nieuwe all in one apparaat aangeschaft. Dat is ook weer even puzzelen wat de beste instellingen zijn voor het scannen van de digi's. Maar het is gelukt :)
Ik hoop dat jullie lekker creatief zijn, het weer is er wel geschikt voor!
groetjes Sliekje en katjes

Hi everybody.
Yes i am still here :)
It has been more than a month since my last digi, which for me is a long time! My health isn't very cooperative so it take's a lot more energy and effort to draw or paint! But i am sure the creativity will return. You just have to have more patience since i will place not as often digi's as i used to ;)
I also have removed the sliekjes cute stuff blog and the moms cards blog because it is too much work to maintain so many blogs. I prefer to concentrate on my two most important blogs.
In the meanwhile my printer broke down and my scanner almost so i had to buy a new all in one thing. It was a bit of a puzzle how to make the right settings for scanning the digi's in best quality, but it seems to work fine now :)
I hope you are all being creative!
greetings Sliekje and cats

44 opmerkingen:

Shuckclod zei

So sweet. I added your blog to my blog so I know when you post something new. Take care and thank you.

Maryann Laursen zei

Thank you so much for this little cutie here Sliekje. I´m so sorry to hear, that you´re not too well, and I really hope, that you´ll soon feel much better again, and maybe it will help a little, if we could finally get some sun and summer here to Europe too.
But no matter how things are, you first of all look after yourself, and we´re just sooo happy for what ever you like to share with us, but not if it means you´re suffering to make them, then we rather you look after YOU instead, so don´t worry about anything else okay.
Have a wonderful week-end and lots of fun, I hope, and just take good care okay?
Biiig hugs from Denmark

paperpapier zei

thank you so much for the lovely digi. Sorry to hear about your health issue, hope you'll get well soon. Take care!
Heaney xx

Deanne Saunders zei

Just want to say THANKS for all your sweet digis!!! Love them!!! Hope you're feeling better REAL SOON!!!!

Marianne zei

dankjewel Angelique en nog veel beterschap hoor.

Adriana zei

Dankjewel voor deze superleuke zomerse digi. Dat kunnen we nu wel gebruiken;-) Jammer dat het minder goed met je gaat. We hebben de zon nodig! Ik kan me voorstellen dat het teveel was al die blogs. Wel jammer want het was leuk te zien wat je mams er mee doet.

Sterkte, liefs Adriana

Myrna zei

What an adorable digi. Thank you.

Avril H zei

Many thanks :) Healing blessings

Trimgym zei

Hoop dat je je snel weer beter voelt.



Anoniem zei

Hi! Please take care of yourself! You are what is important....you have always been so sweet to share your talents with us!

This little guy is so-o-o cute. How adorable for a summer greeting!

hugs, jj

britishgirl zei

hope you are feeling better hon i miss your wonderful digi's but you do need to take care of yourself first

Kimberly S zei

Such an adorable image, and perfect this time of year in most places! Sure hope your health is improving, and thank you so much for sharing with us. :) hugs, Kimberly

Wies zei

Hallo Angelique,

Bedankt voor deze super leuke digi.
Ik hoop dat het gauw weer beter mag gaan met je gezondheid. Ik kan het me voorstellen dat het onderhouden van zoveel blogs te veel werk is en je dan een keuze moet maken.
Fijn weekend.
Groetjes, Wies

Rhonda Miller zei

What a cute image. Thank you.

Sandra H zei

Hi Sliekje's it's so nice to see your blog popping up l'm always interested in what your doing and of course your beautiful and free images always make me feel honoured to be able to take them your so generous and talented sorry to hear about your health not being too good and as you say more blogs can be hard to handle but sounds like your sorted and nice that your able to use your new all in one printer and scanner nothing worse than not having either items thank you for this lovely freebie and hope to see you again take care xx

sweetpea1030 zei

Hallo, Sliekje
Glad to see you were feeling up to posting again. Thanks so much. Wishing you the best of health and lots of happiness.

Cathy (Sistermouse) zei

Oh Slieje. I am so sorry you are not feeling well. I want you to be in good health. I am praying for you that god will heal you. . I love your digi's but I also love your posts and the pictures of your kitties Please take care of yourself. We love you. hugs, Cathy K

Tina zei

Vielen dank für das niedliche Digi, ich wünsche gute Besserung.
LG Tina

Heather "Hev" zei

Look after yourself first xxx healing hugs

Teresa zei

Hope you feel better soon! Such a cute digi--thank you!!

Jennifer zei

Thank you for the wonderful digis! Have a beautiful day!

Poppet zei

Thank you for the cute little digi Sliekje. Sorry you've not been feeling well, hopefully now the sun is showing its face it will help to lift your spirits. :-) xx

Juliet A zei

So will be so perfect for the new graduates that I know! Thank you!

Dee zei

Sending healing thoughts your way. Thanks for all you do!

Anoniem zei

Thank you so much for this adorable digi. I just LOVE this little guy and his relaxed attitude - - - all's well in his corner of the world!!!!
I'm very sorry to hear that your health has left you feeling so unwell, Angelique. Your loving and generous spirit show through in your pictures and what you write about when you post your digis. I think that's why soooo many of us have come to care about you and about your well-being!!!!
Sending warm smiles and prayers for renewed strength, energy, and creativity.
With kind regards, Enjay

lightframe3 zei

Meis denk eerst aan jezelf wat jij bent veel te belangrijk voor je man en gezin gr henny of lightframe3

Margaret zei

Thanks for the cute digi. Mice are one of my favourities. Sorry you have not been well of late. I know how frustrating that can be. It has taken me now into my 4Th week to rearrange and tidy my craft room. Ill health and been disabled is so stressful as ones brain continues, but physicaly one does not have the strength. My dear friend please conserve your energy and just do what you can. If it is a good day something gets done if not it will wait for the good day as it will come. I feel for you lotsa of love xxx

Jacq zei

So sorry to hear about your ill-health, it's important that you take care of you so totally understand about you removing your blogs and being here infrequently. I appreciate whatever little morsel you throw my way and this little guy is just so cute! Thanks for sharing.
Take care of yourself. :)

KT Fit Kitty zei

So nice to see you have been creating again. I love your digis, and this one is another cutie. I hope you feel better soon. Please take care of yourself. KT

Sue zei

Sorry to hear your health is still giving you problems, I had noticed you hadn't been on your other blogs much. Hope you health improves very soon. Thank you very much for the cute little mouse.

Best Wishes


Beth zei

So happy to have you back and creating! I love your animals and it makes me smile every time I see one of your images on my computer! Thank you so much, take care!

Charlene Mitchell zei

Thanks so much for sharing this adorable digi! omgoodness it's just so sweet!! Take care of yourself

AprilsL8 zei

thank you!

Silverbutterfly zei

Thanks for your adorable freebie, always enjoy coming to your blog.
Hope you are feeling better and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless and Good Health.


Ann zei

Thank you for your cute digi's. I like them all.

Danielle zei

Hopefully your health is on the upswing... Thank you so much for your generosity, sharing so many adorable images!

Catnip and Kitty Whiskers zei

I'm so sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well. I hope you are feeling much better! Please take good care of yourself and get plenty of rest! Thank you for the cute digi! Take Care! (((HUGS!)))

Naddel zei

I already thought you dont like to draw those cute little things anymore! I hope your fine with your health soon, take good care of you and thx for those cuties you always draw!!!!

Vicky Gould zei

TFS....praying for good health for you!

Anoniem zei

Thank you for another sweet digi. Take your time and be happy.
-Audra from Texas

txexperiment zei

You are a dear for sharing this with us. Thanks so much and I hope you are back on your feet real soon!

Embley Veronica zei

Just when I'm certain that your kitties are the cutest animal you draw, I see your adorable mice and I'm in love!

Thank you!

Cathy -Mercieschild zei

This is so perfect. We live in hot Arizona and this is just what I need to send out LOL thank you b unches hugs,CathyK

Sonya zei

Many thanks for another adorable image!