Hallo allemaal.
Bedankt voor jullie lieve berichtjes! Het virus lijkt gelukkig weer voorbij te zijn :) Dus ik heb net weer even twee nieuwe digistamps voor jullie zitten tekenen. Grappig is dat he dat je altijd verder vooruit werkt, het is vandaag Valentijn maar ben al bezig met de Pasen ;)
groetjes Sliekje en katjes
Hi everybody.
Thank you for your kind comments! The virus seems to be gone :) So i've just been drawing two new digistamps for you. Funny isn't it that you always work ahead of time, today it's Valentine and i am already busy drawing for Easter ;)
greetings Sliekje and cats
49 opmerkingen:
Wat een leuke stempeltjes weer zeg. Fijn dat je virus weer weg is.
Gr jackelien
Thanks soooo very much for these cuties here Sliekje, they´re just gorgeous. I have 2 granddaughters aged 6 and 8 and they both just loves to color your stunning images too, and they loves kitties too, so I know, they´ll make a happy dance, when they see these too. You are sooo geneerous hun and thanks sooo much for that, it´s really apreciated here for sure. Have a wonderful day and lots of fun too, I hope.
Oh, sind Freebies niedlich. Danke, das du sie uns zur Verfügung stellst.
LG Anja
gelukkig dat je weer helemaal bij de mensen bent Angelique en je digi's zijn ook weer zo leuk, bedankt hoor, want ik heb ze natuurlijk weer meegenomen, groetjes Jeannette
Love the Easter digis and they are adorable. Hugs.
These are sooo cute Sliekje and I'm glad you are feeling better. :-) xx
Thank you very much for these latest adorable digis. They are so very cute and will be PURR-FECT for Easter!
Many thanks :) Great to hear your good news.
I am so glad you are feeling better! These are super cute, thank you so much!
Thank you so much for the images!
I am happy you are doing better :)
Wat een schatjes zijn het weer.
So very cute glad you are feeling better
Herzlichen Dank, liebe Angelique für die süßen Osterdigis. Ich bin froh, das es Dir nun wieder besser geht.
Ganz liebe Grüße und hugs
Thank you so much, so adorable.
thank you for the gorgeous images.Very much appreciated.
Keep up the fabulous work.
Thank you so much for sharing your time and talent with us.
_________@_______@@ @ ___________
______________@ ___
I hope you are having a fabulous valentineday!
sending hugs across the miles
wat leuk te horen dat je weer ,beter bent ,na langdurige slechte winter
het zijn weer mooie digi's
heb er gedownloads
hartelijk dank en happy valentijndag
veel liefs van marcelline
Super leuke digi’s
Im glad youre feeling better. You put such life into your drawings, you can see the love you have for youre furry friends and us too. Hugs~
Adorable as always! Thanks so much for sharing!
Thank you they are both beautiful creations and your so generous for giving them away take care x
Thank you.
So glad you are feeling better!! Such cute images--thank you!
Thank you :)
Glad you are feeling much better xx
Thank you :)
Such adorable digis, thanks so much.
So glad you're feeling better. Don't overdo it, though. Get your strength back.
Thanks for the new digis.
I love your drawings- Thanks for sharing your incredible talent!
Nice to hear that you are feeling so much better, thank you very much for your wonderful drawings, I am sure they will be used in the very near future. It is good to be one step ahead in cardmaking.
Fijn om te lezen dat het weer beter met je gaat en weer prachtige digi's getekend.
bedankt en groeten Lenie
Thank you for the 2 sweet new ones. You have to be ahead when you craft. Glad your feeling better. Take care :)
Thank you for the wonderful images!!!
Glad to hear that you are on the mend. Thank you for sharing these adorable digital images!
They are so adorable! Thanks so much for sharing these cuties, and I hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day! :) hugs, Kimberly
These are darling, Angelique. Thank you.
Thank you for these cuties!
Vielen lieben Dank für die tollen freebies.
LG Tina
Oh, your Easter babies are so sweet! Hope you are feeling better! (((HUGS!)))
I have just spent the better part of an hour going through your blog. Your images are beautiful! I saved quite a few to use in my (sparse) cardmaking. Thank you for allowing us to have these images to use.
I made a cute card with this image. You make the best digis. Thank you for sharing them.
Your digis are so adorable. I just love them. Thanks so much for your kindness of sharing your wonderful digi stamps. I used another one here
Thank you! Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Kim
Thank you so much for your wonderful digis.
Rae Ann O.
Thank you so much for your wonderful digis.
AWE sooo very cute!!! Hope you are doing very well now a days!!
hugs, Heidi
THank you ANgelique. Glad you are feeling better.
thanks so much for the adorable freebies!
Tjonge wat kan jij goed tekenen zeg! en wat leuk dat je de stempels gratis deelt, echt heel tof! Ik doe graag stempels inkleuren voor kaartjes te maken. Allerlei stempels verzamelen is toch wel prijzig...dus ik ging eens zoeken op t net naar digi stamps en telkens kwam ik weer op jouw blog uit met leuke tekeningen...daarom heb ik je blog maar es ff bezocht om te kijken wie je bent. Leuk hoor, ik heb ze lang nog niet allemaal bekeken...maar al een eind gekomen. Bedankt bij deze voor het grote aanbod!!! Groeten monique
These are so cute. Thanks for sharing them. So sorry about the spam. I hope you can get it to stop!
so sweet!!
I love your digis. Thanks for sharing it!
Thank you so much!!!! I've already used one of them!!!!
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