Hallo allemaal.
Ik wens iedereen het aller beste voor 2013 ( en de jaren die volgen :)
Op het moment gaat het qua gezondheid minder lekker met me dus het kan wat langer duren voordat er weer een nieuwe digistamp verschijnt, maar ik doe m'n best dus ik zou zeggen kom regelmatig even langs.
groetjes Sliekje en katjes
Hi everybody.
I wish you all the best for 2013 ( and the years to come :)
At the moment my health isn't that great so it can take a while longer before i am able to post a new digistamp, but i'll do my best so just keep checking my blog every now and then.
greetings Sliekje and cats
48 opmerkingen:
Wat een schattig plaatje. Wat vervelend dat je gezondheid in een dipje zit. Ik wens je sterkte en beterschap. Groetjes, Ankie
Beterschap en neem je tijd.
We zien je wel weer verschijnen hier.
Groetjes, Marjan
Ik zou zeggen beterschap meisje,ik hoop dat je snel opgeknapt bent.
Lieve groetjes Corrie
Oei das minder dan hoop ik dat het nieuwe jaar snel wat beter wordt voor je en de digi is gewoon super cute
Ook voor jou de beste wensen en dat je gezondheid maar snel weer de goede kant opgaat. Wij wachten rustig af tot je je weer goed voelt. Bedankt weer voor deze lieve digi. Groetjes, Helen
so very cute hope you feel better love your digi Stamps
This is a cute image, thankyou x
Happy New Year x
hugs sally x
Happy New year to you, I hope you are feeling better soon.
thank you for sharing such a gorgeous image
Sue xx
Bonne année en retour,
en vooral beterschap !
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well at the moment. Hopefully when we get some brighter weather it lift your spirits. This image is gorgeous I love it. How funny are the little floating mice. Thank you very much for the effort you put into each and every image. Happy New Year. :-) xx
Take care of yourself Angelique, and hope things get better - heres to 2013.
happy new year to you! Take care of yourself....
This is so sweet. Thank you.
Vielen Dank für das süße Freebie.
LG Tina
Sorry to hear you're ill. I hope you are feeling better soon.
Cute, cute, cute! Thank you and I hope you feel much better soon. :)
Dank je wel voor het schattige stempeltje.... en ik hoop dat je je gauw weer een beetje beter voelt!.
Sorry your not feeling well! I have your link on my blog,so I know when you have a post. Take care of yourself :) Thank you for another cute one.
Angelique, heel veel sterkte met je gezonheid. Hopelijk brengt het nieuwe jaar jou ook heel veel goeds, bedankt voor jouw wens. En wat een lieve stempel heb je toch weer gemaakt, dank je wel !!
Heel veel liefs, JacquelineR
For some reason I am not seeing my posts. Trying once more.
I hope you feel better soon! Thank you for the digi.
Many thanks :) Wishing you a speedy recovery xox
Liebe Angelique,
vielen Dank für Deinen Digistamp, es ist wieder mal so niedlich.
Bitte nimm Dir Deine Ruhe, damit Du schnell wieder gesund wirst. Ich wünsche Dir gute Besserung.
Liefs en een dikken Knuffel
Thank you so much for this adorable digi. Even more importantly, I hope you will be feeling better very soon. Take care!
Thank you as always. Please take care of yourself first. That is most important. :-)
So sorry to hear that your health is not the best right now... Please take care of yourself! As always, thank you for sharing your cute digital image.
I love your artwork - very cute and adorable. Thank you for your generosity of sharing your digistamps with us.
Sorry to hear you're not well. Please take good care of yourself.
Happy New Year Angelique, sorry to hear you are not feeling to good, hope things improve for you. Thank you so much for sharing this delightful image.
wat een schatje is het weer. jij ook nog een gelukkig 2013.
Een beetje laat maar toch. Ik ben net als jij voel ik me ook niet helemaal lekker. Ik weet niet wat het is. Maar ondanks dat toch weer 2 kaartjes weten te maken voor jarige familieleden.
Saskia Pullen
super cute!!
Thank you so very much~!
Meilleurs voeux Angelique!! Et que Dieu bénisse vos mains!
Feel better soon Angelique.
Thanks for so many lovely digis - it's always such a treat to see your blog.
Don't worry about freebies for us, just worry about feeling better. Thanks so much for your latest adorable digi.
Lisa D.
Thanks for the cute digi!!! I hope you are feeling much better today!!!! Have an Awesome New Year doll!
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`• .·:*¨·••·¨*:· Thank.·:*¨·••·¨*:·
you so much for sharing,that it so generous of you!!
Very much appreciated.Bless you, your time, hard work and your amazing talent.
______??__??____?(* " " *)?__??____??_______
_____??__??__??__( ='o'= )__??__??__??______
____??__??__??___-(,,)-(,,)- ___??__??__??____
__??__?_________a little angel_________?__??__
__???____________just for you___________ ???__
Good luck with everything you plan for the new year
Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy healty new Year
I wish you many more creative years of inspiration!!
Looking forward to seeing more of your awesome work
Have a blessed day.take care of yourself and stay warm.
sending hugs across the miles
Hoi nichtje. Leuke site. Kreeg vandaag beterschapskaart met jouw tekening. Heel leuk. Merci. Groetjes Wilco
Thanks so much for sharing another adorable image. I hope you're feeling better!
I love all of your digis. You have a great talent and thanks for sharing so freely.
Sorry you've not been feeling well, hope you get better soon.
Thanks for the cutie as aways..
This image is just adorable. Thanks for sharing.
I hope that you can feel better soon. You are so good to us and we all wish the best for you!
Hi Angelique,
THANK YOU so much for sharing your talent. I was looking for something for a card for my granddaughter, and it reminded me I had not checked recently. There are so many cute images to save!
Take care of yourself.
Here I am again. I am not sure this will work, but I have a new card here: http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/photo/2314676?nocache=1
Thank you! So very cute, I used it to make a card, you can see it on my blog at http://agypsyangel.blogspot.com.
thanks Kim xx
Thankyou yet again for a gorgeous image.
Thank you very much Angelique. Hope you are starting to feel much better again.
Thank you for the cute stamps, especially as you are not well. Hope you will soon be feeling much better.
Thank you for the Valentine digis! My niece is going to love the one with the cat!
Just found this adorable image which is perfect for my anniversary next week! Thanks for sharing - hope you are doing ok and feeling better now.
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