Hallo allemaal.
Ik wil iedereen bedanken voor alle lieve berichtjes!!! Dat heeft me goed gedaan.
Natuurlijk mis ik Mickey heel erg en dat heeft ook grote invloed op m'n gezondheid, maar ik ga m'n best doen om weer digi's voor jullie te tekenen. Het is immers de drukste tijd wat kaarten maken betreft dus ik hoop zoveel mogelijk mensen blij te kunnen maken met mijn digi stamps :)
groetjes Sliekje en katjes
Hi everybody.
I would like to thank all of you for your lovely comments, thoughts and prayers!!! That really meant a lot to me.
Ofcourse i miss Mickey very much and that has a big influence on my health, but i am gonna do my best to start again drawing digi's for you. It is the most busiest time of the year in the cardmaking scene and i hope to make as much people as possible happy with my digi stamps :)
greetings Sliekje and cats
41 opmerkingen:
Aw, this is so very cute! Thank you! We continue to send healing purrs to you.
What a cute digi - thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for the digi in remembrance of Mickey!
So Sweet.
Thank you.
Greetings BAstelfeti
Thank you, very cute!
Beautiful digi Angelique! I need to make a scrapbook page for Miss Precious who passed last December and this will be perfect. Thanks!
Das ist so niedlich. Vielen lieben Dank dafür.
Liebe Grüße
WAt een scheetje, dank je wel ! Gecondoleer met Mickey, liefs, Marion
Lovely image... you have been in my thoughts!!
Thanks so much for this cute freebie.
Have a nice week.
Hugs Paula
This is so adorable and a lovely way to remember Mickey:-)
Oh this is just the cutest and its great that your drawing again take care! x
Thank you Sliekje, I hope drawing this brought back some good memories of all your beloved cats. :-) xx
How sweet. Thank you.
Such a sweet little image. I hope you're feeling better soon. hugs, Kimberly
Hij is erg leuk bedankt.
groetjes Joke
So sweet! Hope your days get easier. You have lots of others to keep you busy. Thank you...
Thank you so much for the new digi. Your little "angel kitty" is adorable!
And it's such a nice tribute to Mickey. Juene and cats
Thank you. Hope you continue to feel better.
So cute.
Thank you for this adorable kitty.
This is a lovely way to remember Mickey.
Angel kitty is sooo cute!! ty!
Lovely kitty!!! Thanks so much :o)
I am sorry for your loss of Mickey, he was a beautiful boy. I lost my little furball two years ago and this will be purr-fect for one of his memorial pages. Thank you for the angel I can use for my angel. Mt thoughts are with you.
Thank you for this lovely digi.
Wat is ie weer schattig!!!
dank je wel,
Awwww....so sweet. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for this . I understand completely your missing Mickey, as I have said before I still miss Sierra. This is such a cute tribute to Mickey and if you don't mind I will use it for Sierra too. Oh crumb, now i am crying. My heart is with you Sweetie. Hugs, Cathy K
So adorable, I've made a complete scrapbook for my Scratch. Had him for 14 Yrs.
So sorry to hear that you lost Mickey but at least his life was a very happy one. I just watched some of your youtubefilms and with these boys around I don't suppose you can stay sad for too long, they are just so cute. Thank you very much for the kitten stamps.
Herzlichen Dank für den süßen Digistam.
I am soooo sorry for your loss! I know the feeling and I send prayers to heal your way!!! Love your Adorable digi!!! Hugs, Heidi
awww this is so precious! Thank you.
Thank you! This one is so beautiful! So sorry for your loss! (((HUGS!))) Recently experienced a kitty loss also, so my heart goes out to you!
So cute. thanks.
Thanks so much for this beautiful digi in honour of Mickey. I hope that you have begun on the path to healing.
Lisa D.
Thank you so much for the digi :)
Beautiful work, congratulations talent!. Take this!
so sorry about mickey. I know it hurts bad
Moeilijk dat je je kat verloren hebt.
Je digi is echt een plaatje! Dank je wel.
Liefs, Jacqueline
thanks for sharing!
thank you! i love this cute kiity
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