On this blog I want to share my FREE digi stamps with you.


I just love to draw and in this way I can share my God-given talents with as many people as possible.

Please read terms of use.

Most important rule: Have fun with my digi stamps!


Click on the image and save the large file on your pc or tablet.

It's okay to share or pin the images, just don't sell the images keep them for FREE as I give them for nothing to you!
Credits to me would be nice :)

Look at the older posts too because it is full of digi stamps!
More than 350!


maandag 14 maart 2011

100 digi stamps !!!

Hallo allemaal.
Hier is ie dan.... m'n 100ste digi stamp!!! Joepieeeeeee :-) Bij zo'n getal moet natuurlijk ook een feestelijke jumbo stempel.
Ik wil graag iedereen bedanken voor al jullie leuke en lieve reacties die jullie me telkens weer geven op mijn digi stempels. Ik had nooit gedacht dat zoveel mensen zo veel plezier zouden hebben van mijn werk. Ook zelf beleef ik er erg veel plezier aan en ik hoop dat ik nog lang hiermee door mag blijven gaan. En een extra dank je wel aan mijn ouders, zonder hen zou ik dit niet kunnen doen. Lieve paps en mams ik hou heel veel van jullie!!!
Ik wens iedereen Gods zegen toe.
groetjes Sliekje en katjes

Hi everybody.
Here it is....... digi stamp 100!!! Yippieeeeeeeeee :-) Such a number as this has to be a celebration jumbo stamp.
I would like to thank everybody for all your nice and lovely comments you keep giving on my digi stamps. I could never imagine how many people would like my work. I have lots of fun myself creating them so i hope i will be able to keep doing this for a long time. An extra big thank you goes to my parents, without them i could not do this. Dear mom and dad i love you very much!!!
I wish everybody all Gods blessings.
greetings Sliekje and cats

138 opmerkingen:

SOS zei

Congratulations for the digi stamp 100!!! and I'm so grateful with you for share it all this time!!

Thank you!!!

Ma zei

Lieve Angelique, gefeliciteerd met je 100ste digi-stamp !
Ik hoop dat je nog veel mensen blij mag blijven maken met je tekeningen.
Heel veel liefs en een dikke kus, Pa en Ma XXXXX

Alison zei

Thank you so much for sharing your talent for making digi stamps so generously. I love your work!

Rhonda Miller zei

Wow, congrats on reaching 100!!! What a fun image to celebrate with. Thank you.

Sonya zei

Such a great digi--thank you so much! I use your images all the time!

Joan V zei

Wow, this is a fabulous digi. I love all your digi's and I hope to post a few of my cards soon for you to see. Thank you so much for being so generous with your art.

Saskia Pullen zei

YAHOOO!! De 100ste! Sorry! Ben een beetje opgewonden!!!!

Marianne zei

gefeliciteerd met je 100ste digi, 't is weer een hele mooie, dankjewel Sliekje.

Bep zei

Gefeliciteerd met je 100e digi, wat een aantal zeg en het is weer een hele mooie.
Dank je wel.


qm zei

100 digi's! gefeliciteerd.
het is idd weer een mooie.

Gaby zei

I found your site a little while ago and ever since I visit regularly.
Keep up the great job.

And thanks so much for being so generous with us.

Have a great week!

Lau W zei

Congrats !!
Oh and thank you so much for this digi, so so cuuute !

Tigger a(r)t work zei

Thank you and congratulations :o)


Tina zei

Oh das ist ja ein tolles freebie. Vielen liebe Dank dafür. Es ist wunderschön so wie die anderen 99 freebies auch.
Liebe Grüße

Linda zei

dank je wel wat een lief stempeltje
gr linda

an zei

nou moppie geweldig je 100ste hij is weer geweldig an

Anoniem zei

congratulations to you
100 always gorgeous Digi creations
Bless you, your time, hard work and your amazing talent
that you also share with us all
I wish you many more creative years of bloging!

:*¨·••·¨*:· Thanks·:*¨·••·¨*:·. .·:*¨·••·¨*:· Thanks·:*¨·••·¨*:·.
(¨`•.•´¨) Hugs
. `•.¸(¨`•.•´¨) from the
(¨`•.•´¨)¸.•´ HEART,
. `•.¸.•´ snowbird
. ·:*¨·••·¨*:· Thanks·:*¨·••·¨*:·.
hope you have a marvelous week

Jolanda Cuper zei

Gefeliciteerd ik ga deze stempel meenemen het is echt een plaatje!
Super mooi!
Bedankt groetjes Jolanda.

Heidi Brawley zei

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! OMG this is soooooooo darn cute! THANK YOU very much for this cute digi!!
~Heidi Brawley

Wilma zei

Hallo Angelique,
Van ♥ Gefeliciteerd met je 100ste digi. Je digi's zijn echt héééél erg mooi.
Nog een fijne tekenweek toegewenst.
Liefs Wilma

Mummylade zei

grats on 100 images, they are so lovely!!

*Petras Kartenkreationen aller Art* zei

Herzlichen Glückwunsch liebe Angelique, Du hast 100 wunderschöne Digis gemacht. Dieser Stamp ist auch wieder sooooooooooooo niedlich. Danke Dir von Herzen.

Dicken Knuffel
en groetjes Petra

Saskia zei

Proficiat!!! En hartelijk bedankt voor al die mooie digi's! Je bent SUPER!!! :)

Gonne zei

Deze tekening is een feestje op zich Angelique. Dank je wel voor al dat moois en hopelijk mogen we er nog lang van genieten.

angelique (anlou) zei

hoi meis
gefeliciteerd met 100 digi's
en dank je wel voor ze allemaal meis
je bent echt super dat je ze elke keer weer maakt voor ons allemaal
ga zo door hoor, je hoort mij niet klagen, ze zijn zo lieffffffffffff
liefs angelique

Pauline zei

Many, many congratulations :o) They are always so cute and fun. I think I might have them all too, lol. Thank you for your generous heart.


Lamanuelle zei

Félicitations ! 100!! C'est super!! Merci de nous les offrir! Bises. Nadine

Tara zei

Congrats on your 100th stamp! I have been saving many lately and plan to start making things with them very soon. I will leave you a comment when I do so you can check it out on my blog!

San zei

Gefeliciteerd! wat een schatje weer

gr san

Mea zei


I love your Digi Stamps!

Here's an easel card I have made with​​your Digi Stamps. http://marlenediamanti.blogspot.com/2011/03/staffeli-kort-easel-card.html

Gongratulations with your 100th stamp! :)

Thank you!

Sonia zei

Congrats to your 100 Digi Stamp! I'm very happy found your blog with adorables images.
This is one is so pretty I love it!.

Ina zei

Dank je wel voor deze feestelijke digi! Dat er nog maar veel mogen volgen!

Carla zei

Lieve Angelique, wat een aantal zeg... 100 digi's. Ik vind ze echt mooi en neem ze iedere keer weer mee.
Ik hoop dat we nog lang van je gulheid mogen genieten; want gul ben je door de digi's met ons te delen.

Groetjes, Carla

Stempel-Katzi zei

Liebe Sliekje, ich danke Dir so sehr für Deine wundervollen Digis. Da ist eines schöner als das andere, und Dein 100. ist es wert, gefeiert zu werden.


LG Doris

Teresa zei

Congratulations!! I LOVE your images! Thank you!

Carol L zei

Congratulations on creating 100 of these fabulous images!! You truly are a giver, and I appreciate every one of these adorable digis you share! Thanks so much!! ((hugs}}

Sandra zei

Love all your gorgeous new digi stamps. Thanks so much!

Hugs and kisses Paula

Lucianna Dilsaver zei

So adorable, thank you!!

Jacqueline zei

So sweet - thank you very much!

anna gs zei

Congratulations !!!!
and thank you for your digi stamps.


hilary.j.williams zei

Thankyou so much!

Anoniem zei

Congratulations darling. Thank you for the large and very pretty stamp.

mztamela zei

Thanks for another great digi!

Love crafts forever zei


Lisa zei

This is adorable!!!

Anoniem zei

Congratulations! This is so adorable. Thank you so much!

SuSan zei

This is cute! Thanks so much!!

Unknown zei

Congrats on 100! This is adorable, just like all of your digis. Thanks so much!

Anoniem zei

Oh this is the very best!!! Thank you so much for this super sweet image!

Christina Hicks zei

Congratulations on 100 digis! I know I have appreciated them since first finding you. I have made several cards with your digis. I love this one and I cannot wait to make a card with it!

Cleah zei

Wow, 100 free digis! I'm so lucky to be a member of your blog 'cause you're such a generous person. All you're artworks are soooo cute, I love them all. Hope you'll always be inspired. Thank you so much.

Anoniem zei

Congratulations and thank you for sharing your talent!

Karrie O. - Sweet Paper Treats zei

Congrats and Thank you!! Another adorable image, love it!!

Lisa R. zei

Love these images with the little mouse. thanks for sharing!

Jayne zei

So sweet as always, thank you.

moovet zei

Thank you so much for your generosity. Your digi stamps are all cute but this one is my absolute favorite.

Elaine L. zei

Thanks for the sweet image!

Kimberly zei

Ahhhh super cute. Thank you

Esther zei

Congratulations on your 100th digi! Thank you so much for freely sharing the talent that God has given you. May the Lord bless you for your generosity! Hugs, Esther

Shannon zei

Congratulations! I love your digi stamps so much!

Sarah zei

this is wonderful, thank you

Rufus zei

Congrats on #100! It's a lovely one, too. Thank you,

Dona zei

Wow 100 fantastic creations, Congratulations!! Thank you for sharing them with us.

Cathy -Mercieschild zei

Wow, how awesome, 100 and I love your digis, I keep telling you that but it is so true, thank you for all the wonderful digi's you have made for us. Your the greatest,
Blessings Galore to you
Cathy K

Marilou zei

I love this ! Thank you.

Pam zei

Love your images, they are always so cute! Thanks for sharing!!

Kelley zei

Congratulations on your 100th digi! Thank you for sharing your gift with us, I appreciate it. God has blessed you with wonderful talent.

My Need 2 Craft zei

TFS! I absolutely love this. Super cute. :)

Anoniem zei

Congratulations on 100 images! Thank you for another cutie.

Deb zei

Congratulations! What a milestone. Thanks for sharing your beautiful images with us.

Fienchen zei

Herzlichen Glückwunsch...ich liebe deine Freebies...sie sind alle so süss und liebevoll gemacht.1000 Dank dafür!!!

Ash zei

Thanks for the CHEERS!!!! & Kudos too.... :D


weva zei

Thank you!!

KC zei

congrats! and thank you!!

Sue zei

Just checked my folder to make sure I hadn't missed any. I have used several of your stamps throughout the year some of them more than once. Thank you so much for sharing your work with us and thank you for the 100th its gorgeous.

Sherrieluvsstamps zei

Thanks you so much for the great image!

jolandakor zei

Angelique, gefeliciteerd met je 100ste digistempel. Ik heb hem meegenomen. Dank je wel.
Groetjes, Jolanda

Karin zei

Allereerst van harte gefeliciteerd met alweer je 100ste digistamp... Ik weet van een boel mensen hoe dol ze op jouw tekeningen zijn, en ik zelf ook! Dus hoop dat er zeker nog 100 bij zullen komen.

Bedankt ook voor deze, ik vind em echt kei lief

Groetjes karin

handmade by chantal/ handmade gifts and toys zei

ze zijn geweldig je stempels er is er niet 1 die ik niet leuk vind!

het hondje lijkt ook weer zo veel op mijn kleine malthezer die ik heb !

ik geniet er telkens weer van jou stempels!

Crafting Queen zei

Thank you so much for sharing all your wonderful creations with us. I love this one, just so adorable. Have a wonderful day and God bless.

Cindy John 3:16 stampartistry.blogspot.com zei

Very cute - ty :)

canto zei

Gefeliciteerd en bedankt voor al die mooie digi's

Made by Mandy zei

Your digis are so cute and you are very generous to freely share them with us.

Congratulations on reaching the 100 milestone xxx

Michelle zei

thanks you very much and many congrats on digi number 100! I love your images, they're sooo cute. Thank you very much for sharing, hope you have a wonderful day!

Anoniem zei

Oh, so sweet, thank you!

Unknown zei

Van Harte 100 digi's dat is heel wat.
Ik kijk altijd even als je een nieuwe geplaatst hebt.
Dank je.
Groetjes Brigitte

Kos med papir og saks zei


and thank you for sharing these beautiful stamps. I LOVE them all.

Charlene zei

Congratulations on reaching 100 digis! And thank you so much for this fabulous image!

Bethany zei

Congratulations! And thanks so much for this sweet image!

mhalldorson zei

Thank you for the wonderful 100th digi stamp. You are very talented and I for one am very appreciative of you sharing you talent with us all. Again Thank you

Kym Weber zei

What a fabulous celebration! Congratulations on your 100th digi! They are all just as darling as your very 1st one! Thank you so much fort the adorable image!

Andrea zei

Thank you! This image is sooo cute.

Terrie L zei

Thank you so much! This is such an adorable digi stamp!
And congrats on your 100th digi! I hope you continue to share with us. You are so very talented!

Alexandra Lundgren zei

100!!! Congratulations and this one is just as gorgeous as all the others! Thank you for sharing them all with us!

Michelle Quinno zei

Wow, this is gorgeous! Congrats and thanks so much for your generocity!!

Poppet zei

Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with us Sliekje. Digi 100 and it is stunning. :-) xx

Moments by Marla zei

Love this image!! You put in so much detail. You are a true artist. We are definitely the lucky ones as the recipients of your god giving gift. Thank you!!!!

Crafty Card Gallery zei

Thanks so much for sharing! Gorgeous! Congrats on 100!

Suvenkorento zei

Congrats on the digi stamps! Thank you for an another cutie image :)

Holly zei

Oh, this is wonderful! Happy 100th stamp!! And thank you for sharing :)

Nannieflash zei

Thank you so much, with hugs Shirleyxxxxx

Laurence zei

Thanks so much for such a cute stamp

♥ Yolanda ♥ zei

Van ♥e gefeliciteerd met je 100ste digi!!!! En dat er nog maar vele mogen volgen hihi :)!
Het is wel een hele mooie geworden, dat wordt nog een klus met inkleuren. Dank je wel!
Liefs Yolanda

Céline zei

Van harte gefeliciteerd met je 100-ste digistempel!
Het is ook wel een superleuke die je deze keer hebt gemaakt!

Intruderlady zei

Hi Angelique,

Gefeliciteerd met je 100e digistempel. Hij is werkelijk weer prachtig. Bedankt voor het maken en het delen ervan.
Kan niet wachten om ermee aan de slag te gaan.

Lieve groet,

Angie zei

Thank you! This digi stamp is adorable!

Jacqui zei

Congratulations on your 100th digi and thanks so much for sharing your brilliant talent with us. I love your images and this one will come in handy for both birhtdays and weddings. Thank you! :)

Elicia zei

This is absolutely beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing and congratulations!

ms Joyce zei

Congrats on 100 digis. Thanks for this cute, cute birthday digi.

Terri zei

Speechless, love it!!! Thanks so much!!!

Tammi zei

congrats on 100! I love all your images, thanks so much for sharing them with us!

Stuff-n-Such By Lisa zei

So cute!
Thank-you for sharing!
Lisa H.

Bonnie Lynn zei

Congrats on reaching 100 digital stamps!! Thank you also for sharing your wonderful talent with all of us. I just love your images.

Sandy O zei

Congratulation!!! WOW, 100 images and they are all so perfect. IMO they are even better than Precious Moments. Thank you for every single one of them.

Tabitha zei

thank you another adorable digi.

Anoniem zei

danj je wel Sliekje, en proficiat met de 100ste digi stempels.
veel geluk nog met het blog , we blijven hem bezoeken
groetjes Monica

crafty devil zei

Hi Thanks for sharing, love the digi stamp

Mary x

Karen zei

Thanks for sharing your wonderful talents, it makes cardmaking such a delight to add your digis to them. Thanks again!

Diana E. zei

Oh how wonderful to celebrate with you! Your 100 Beautiful Digi Stamps. There aren't words to express how truly Thankful I am for all of them. I love each & everyone of them. Blessings !

Kristen zei

I just adore your stamps! They are all so wonderful! Thank you for sharing them with us!

Cheryl zei

Congratulations on reaching this milestone. Your work is so beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. :)

Drine56 zei

Merci beaucoup elle est très belle !!!

Rene zei

Congratulations! Your art is so wonderful, and I enjoy visiting both of your blogs. This image is just so cute. I can even see using it as a wedding image. Thank you for sharing your work with us.

Everien zei

Hallo Sliekje,

Heel erg gefeliciteerd met je 100e digi. Ik heb ze allemaal op mijn computer opgeslagen en heb er heel veel plezier van!
Hiervoor mijn dank!
Ik hoop dat er nog veel volgen


Anoniem zei

thank you kindly for sharing

txexperiment zei

This is so precious, as are all of your stamps. Thanks and God Bless you, also!

Trimgym zei

Gefeliciteerd! Weer een fantastische stempel.



AuBien zei

Congratulations on 100!! I absolutely love your work! I am looking forward to the next 100! :)

luvthatstampin zei

Thanks so much for this darling freebie. I love the down-home quality of your art work.

Marilou zei

What an adorable image! Thank you.

Rene zei

Absolutely lovely!! Your images are fabulous! Thanks very much fro sharing your talent!!

Unknown zei

I just love it, thank you

Toni zei

Congrats on 100! Your work is terrific...and I really appreciate all the work you put into your art. Thanks so much for sharing with everyone!

Andrea6760 zei

Congratulations on Stamp 100! Wooohoo!! You are so talented and your images are absolutely gorgeous. I love your adorable animals and Thank you for sharing your talents with us! Here is to another 100!!


Jovi zei

hey there... i loved ur digi stamps... not picked up any as of now as want to see more... become a follower... so will keep coming back...

Cindy in Wisconsin zei

Absolutely, I love your work! Thank you so much for this great party image!

Danielle zei

Thank you!

janelle winchcole zei

Congratulations 100!!! Thank you for all the wonderful freebies, you have a wonderful talent.