On this blog I want to share my FREE digi stamps with you.


I just love to draw and in this way I can share my God-given talents with as many people as possible.

Please read terms of use.

Most important rule: Have fun with my digi stamps!


Click on the image and save the large file on your pc or tablet.

It's okay to share or pin the images, just don't sell the images keep them for FREE as I give them for nothing to you!
Credits to me would be nice :)

Look at the older posts too because it is full of digi stamps!
More than 350!


maandag 12 juli 2010


Hallo allemaal.
Ik zie al verschillende Kerst stempels, knipvellen, ponsen enz voorbij komen. Met dit warme weer ben ik nog niet in "the mood" om Kerst digi's te maken maar engeltjes vind ik altijd leuk. Dus wie wil kan ze al voor Kerstkaarten gebruiken, maar ook op een gewone kaart pas altijd wel een engeltje ;-)
groetjes Sliekje en katjes

Hi everybody.
I see Christmas stamps, cuttingsheets, diecuts etc popping up everywhere. With this hot summer weather we are having i am not in the mood yet to make Christmas digi's but i always like angels. So who wants can use it already for their Christmascards but this little angel can go on any card you like ;-)
greetings Sliekje and cats

22 opmerkingen:

Unknown zei

Dank je wel, Sliekje!!
Dat is weer een hele leuke!

groetjes, Claudia

Anoniem zei

Echt een leuk stempelafdrukje!
Groetjes Miranda

Crafting Queen zei

Adorable, thank you.

Poppet zei

He's very cute, I love the balloons. Thank you very much. :-) xx

Annie zei

ah sooooooooooooo sweet thank you
Ann xxx

Jaimie zei

Die is ook weer héél leuk ség!

Groetjes, jaimie

Gina zei

Aaaaaww! How sweet is he hahaha! Love the balloons :D XXX

Irena zei

Very cute image.

Peggysue zei

He is darling! My first thought was that he was bringing the balloons. But they are carrying him. So creative! Thanks!!

sucor zei

So sweet, thank you very much for sharing!

mfc.melissamade2 zei

So cute! Thanks so much. I also have two awards for you. The Trendy Blog award and the Sunshine Award. Just head over to my blog to get them. Thanks - and I truly love your images!

Scrapcat 1 zei

Thankyou so much, I've been making my xmas cards all year this year so he will be perfect.

Ilse zei

Dank je wel, hij is weer mooi

Anoniem zei

Bedankt hoor, komt net van pas, ik ben deze week bezig met Kerstkaarten maken.

♥ Yolanda ♥ zei

Wat een schatje weer! Bedankt voor al die lieve stempels!!!

Liefs Yolanda

Tine zei

It's so sweet. Thank you for sharing.
Tine :)

Susanne zei

Wat maak je toch een leuke stamps.
Echt geweldig

xx Susanne

Gina zei

here's one of your earlier images :D XXX

Rene zei

Adorable! I love the balloons and the little star hanging down. You are so clever and creative!

Papernut zei

I so LOVE all your darling drawings. Thank your for sharing such talent!

Bonnie Lynn zei

This is just adorable. Here's a card I made using your cute owl image. http://stampinginthelight.blogspot.com/2011/02/mmtpt133-and-owls.html

Sonia zei

Thanks for always sharing fabulous digi stamps.
I love this image. I made a card, please go here: