Hallo allemaal.
Het is me gelukt!!! Mijn doel was om voor het eind van dit jaar 200 digistamps op dit blog te hebben staan, en hier is dan nummer 200 :)
Toen ik eraan begon had ik nooit gedacht dat zoveel mensen mijn digi's leuk zouden vinden en er zoveel plezier van zouden hebben! Nog altijd krijg ik er nieuwe volgers bij en nog steeds vele leuke reacties. Dank jullie wel daarvoor!
Zolang m'n gezondheid het toelaat en er mensen zijn die m'n werk leuk vinden zal ik m'n best blijven doen digistamps te tekenen :)
groetjes Sliekje en katjes
Hi everybody.
I did it!!! My goal was to have 200 digistamps on this blog before the end of this year, and so here it is... number 200 :)
When i started this blog i didn't know how many people would like and enjoy my digi's! Even now i still get new followers and i keep getting nice comments. Thank you all for that!
As long as my health will cooperate and if there will be people who like my work i will continue to do my very best to keep on drawing digistamps :)
greetings Sliekje and cats
45 opmerkingen:
Congratulations on 200 images! I love them. I was wondering what to use for my Valentine's day cards, and this image shows up. Perfect and thank you so much@
Congratulations on reaching 200 images and they are all fabulous. Thank you and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New year. Caroline xxx
Congrats on your 200 digis, they're so cute. Thanks for your generosity in sharing them with us!
CONGRATULATIONS with reaching the 200 this year, and thanks so much for sharing them here with all of us. I sure apreciate them very much, they´re soooo cute and both I and my granddaughters absolutely love to color them.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a HAppy New year as well. Take care.
Congrats for your 200 and thank you for them!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations on making your 200 digi goal. That is a lot of smiles for all of us!!!!
Thank you so -so much!
Wow, super dat het je gelukt is! 200 prachtige digi's! Fijne feestdagen en een gelukkig en creatief 2013 gewenst!
Groetjes, Wendy
Congratulations on 200. I've always loved the style of your art and look forward to what the new year brings. Have a great Christmas.
Soo cute. Congrats on 200 digi stamps.
200 fantastic, cute, gorgeous (I could go on forever) images. Your images are my go to images and I have all 200 from the beginning. They are so easy to colour and always make me smile. I hope the happiness you give us helps you to cope with your illness a little. :-) xx
Congratulations! And thank you for this and ALL your cute digis!
Wow al 200 geweldig, gefeliciteerd, en deze is weer de max, zo schattig!
Many congratulations and thank you for sharing your images they are amazing your so generous xx
Gefeliciteerd met je 200 digi erg leuk is deze.
groetjes Joke
Gefeliciteerd met je 200e digi.
Ze zijn allemaal heel erg mooi.
Fijne feestdagen toegewenst en
heel veel succes met tekenen in het nieuwe jaar.
Groetjes Sippie.
Congratulations on reaching 200! I love your work! :) Thank you for all you do... :)
We love your digi's. Congrats. Thank you for this sweet one.
Congratulations on reaching your goal and thank you for sharing them with all of us!
Thanks you so much for all the digi's you give us. They are all so cute and congratulations on reaching 200 x
Wow! What an awesome goal to reach. You have such a beautiful, generous heart. Thank you so much for all you do for us. Hugs!!!
Congrats with your 200 digi's.
I love them.
HUgs, Marianne
CONGRATULATIONS on 200 images... and they are ALL beautiful. Thank you so much xxxx
Wow, what a goal to reach! Your images are always adorable, and it's so generous of you to share them with us. Thank you so much! hugs, Kimberly
Congratulations on 200 cute images!
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`• .·:*¨·••·¨*:· Thanks.·:*¨·••·¨*:· for all you do for crafters all year long!
May your life be filled with Happiness and Love,
at Christmas and always!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
.--.*( ';' )*.--.
!* ( /\ ) *!
! . . / \ . . !
!/ /_ ..._ \ \!
hugs across the miles
Wishing you and your loved ones a very special Christmas
Congratulations on reaching that milestone! I love your digis, thank you so much for sharing them. Happy holidays to you and your kitties!
Congratulations! and Thank you.
Congratulations on reaching your goal of 200 images. I'm pretty sure I've got them all!!! I've been a fan for at least the last two years, and I'm always telling folks about your images. If you keep drawing and posting, I'll keep coming. Best Wishes.
Gefeliciteerd Angelique. Bedankt voor al de 200 mooie digistempels = geweldig.
Groetjes, Wies
Congrats on 200 images and thank you so much for sharing them all! Merry Christmas!
Thank you for everything and have a Merry Christmas xxx
gefeliciteerd geniet met een grote G van je stempels ,dus VOORAL DOORGAAN :0)
Love, love your cute digis, Thanks much..
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year..
This image is adorable. Thank you for continuing to draw digi for us - I love your images. Congrats on 200 digis. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Superrrrr zijn ze weer Angelique
Gefeliciteerd Bedankt voor al de
digi's stempeltjes
hele fijne feestdagen
gr lenny
Congratulations on reaching 200, and THANK YOU!
Thank you so much for your generosity! Congratulations on reaching your goal of 200 digital images... that is quite an accomplishment.
Congratulations!!! and thank you so much for sharing your lovely digis.
I am so happy for you.
I wish you happy holidays and a wonderful new year. May it be filled with lots of good energies to help your health.
Gweldig bedankt voor al die mooie digi's!!! Heerlijk om zo'n mooie voorraad op mijn pc te hebben staan!
Ze zijn zo leuk om te gebruiken!
Graag wens ik je goede Kerstdagen en alle goeds voor 2013 en speciaal een goede gezondheid naar omstandigheden voor jou! Super dat je je talent op deze manier met ons deelt!
Liefs Adriana
Thank you again! and have a
Wauw, 200 alweer!!! Wat een prestatie Angelique! Bedankt voor alle lieve, vrolijke en schattige digitale stempels.
Alle goeds voor het nieuwe jaar en ik hoop dat er voor jou ook vooruitgang in de medicatie in zit. Fijne feestdagen!
Groetjes Yolanda
Proficiat Angelique!!! Een geweldige prestatie.... super bedankt voor alle schitterende digi's...
Een hele fijne jaarwisseling gewenst en een voorspoedig 2013....
grt Angela
WOW 200 !! And thank you for your generosity. Wishing you all the very best for 2013.
Eerst en vooral gelukkig nieuwjaar! Ik wens je een gezond, gelukkig en creatief 2013!
Ach wat een leuke digi-stempeltjes! Ze zijn echt geweldig lief! En van harte met je 200e stempel!
It's been a while since you've posted - wondering if you are well & healthy??
Let "us" know if we can help!
LOVELOVE your digi's!
Come back soon!
D :)
hello. you are so awesome.
so many people today have forgotten how to share and it is so nice to know there are still people in our shaken up world who are still so kind.
Your digi's are awesome and I have been a follower for quite a while now. I havent done much crafting lately. I love to make cards and atc's. When I do get going again I will love using your digi's. I have alot of them. When I do I will be sure to show you and definitely give credit where credit is due..
Oh yea your kitty's are gorgeous..
Those one's remind me of my ol grumpy grandpa. lol darling critter's.
thanks for sharing
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