On this blog I want to share my FREE digi stamps with you.


I just love to draw and in this way I can share my God-given talents with as many people as possible.

Please read terms of use.

Most important rule: Have fun with my digi stamps!


Click on the image and save the large file on your pc or tablet.

It's okay to share or pin the images, just don't sell the images keep them for FREE as I give them for nothing to you!
Credits to me would be nice :)

Look at the older posts too because it is full of digi stamps!
More than 350!


donderdag 19 mei 2011

Summer fun

Hallo allemaal.
Tis hier koud en grijs maar toch heb ik alvast een lekker zomers plaatje getekend. Misschien kan je hem ook gebruiken op uitnodigingen voor een zwemfeestje of gefeliciteerd met je diploma :) In ieder geval wens ik je er veel plezier mee.
groetjes Sliekje en katjes

Hi everybody.
Although it's cold and grey overhere i have made a summer digi :) I hope you will have fun with it.
greetings Sliekje and cats

59 opmerkingen:

Tina zei

Das ist ja eine niedliche Szene. Vielen lieben Dank dafür.
LG Tina

Sonya zei

Oh this is just too cute! Thanks for continuing to share your talents with us!!!

Annerieke zei

Wauw, wat is deze ontzettend leuk, dank je!

groetjes Annerieke

Alyna zei

awwww.... this is soooo cute :). absolute summer fun. And here its soo hot that without the air conditioning its hard to be indoors leave alone going outside :(.

Carol L zei

This is absolutely ADORABLE!! Thank you SO much for sharing your talent with us all :)

måndotter zei

Soo cute! Thank you so very much!

Anoniem zei

allemaal muisjes in het zwembad hoe krijg je het verzonnen heel leuk schat dankje wel groetjes an

Jacqueline zei

Thank you!

Anoniem zei

echt weer een leuke digi!! ook eens gaan kijken op je andere blog. wat een talent heb jij... Hoe je het steeds kunt blijven verzinnen!

Kimberly zei

Super cute. thank you

Kaz zei

Awwwww this is just adorable!! So much talant, thank you for sharing so generously.
Kaz xx

Rene zei

Thanks....so cute!!

Julie zei

You create the cutest designs - thanks for sharing!

Marla zei

Maybe it will rush some warmer weather on to many of us. Cold dreary weather in upper midwest of the U.S. too. Your image is so adorable. Thank you!!!

Cathy -Mercieschild zei

I just love your digi's , I love your blog and I love your cats. I love my "furbaby" a short time ago and miss her so much so when i need a fix I come to your site :) and look at your sweet kitties. Thank you again for the wonderful digi's hugs Cathy

Katarina zei

This is absolutely darling, thank you for sharing!

kathymack56 zei

Thank you for 'summer fun'. It is very cute.

Sue zei

Oh my how cute is this. This makes me smile. Thank you so much for sharing.

Esther zei

I love it!! Thank you so much for sharing!

Lisa R. zei

Sooo cute! Love it. TFS

Diane's Place zei

this is so so so cute!

TR zei

What a great summer image! Thank you.

Karen @ Misplaced Mojo zei

adorable!!! Thank you!

AprilsL8 zei

So cute!!

Unknown zei

So cute and summery thanks

suzi yee zei

Thank you! Love your images... especially this one!

Kelley zei

I laughed when I saw this image! Thank you for sharing it.

Sarah zei

way too cute is this, thank you

hoptownracer1 zei

Oh my, that is sooo cute! I never thought of mice taking a dip in a pool before; love it! Thank you so much!!!
Bless you for sharing your talents and gifts with us! You are so kind!!

Regina zei

Danke für das süße Motiv!

Sue zei

Love the mouse with the drink, he looks sooooo laid back! Thank you very much for this wonderful image.

Crafty Card Gallery zei

Beautiful! So fun!

jperr zei

Love it.

Melodie zei

vielen Dank für das niedliche Motiv.
Das Banner werde ich gleich auf meinem Blog verlinken.
Liebe Grüße

Kreativseite zei

Ohhhh, süss. Dankeschön.

Marilou zei

So very cute! Thank you.

Cleah zei

Super, duper cute! Sooo love this cuties! Thanks.

cass zei

Thank you another lovely image

marion82 zei

thank you!!!

Avril zei

So sweet - many thanks :)

Michelle Quinno zei

This is precious! Thank you.

Dee zei

I love mice and this image is particularly adorable, thanks, Dee

Heidi Brawley zei

omg! these are sooo darn cute mice! thanks very much!! Have a great weekend!!!!!!
~Heidi Brawley

Cosmictadpole zei

Hahaha, they're having so much fun! I love it :) Thank you so much for sharing!

Laurence zei

thanks a lot, it's so cute I have already a few ideas...

Sandy zei

Love your digi stamps Thank you so much.

*Petras Kartenkreationen aller Art* zei

Vielen Dank liebe Angelique, ich liebe Deine Digistamp !!!!

Liebe Grüße

Poppet zei

Thank you for the last 2 cute images Sliekje.

Jacqui zei

thanks for the cute image! It's cold and miserable here too so this is something to look forward to. :)

sajo zei

I want to say thank you for all the lovely digi stamps for free.
Your blog is wonderful.


Shelly zei

Oh how fun! This is perfect for the weather we're having. Thanks so much.

Chrissy zei

Again, just tooo cute. Thank you so much.


Cindy in Wisconsin zei

Not quite swimming pool weather here in central Wisconsin just yet, but soon. Thanks so much for this image!

Jacqueline zei

Cute - thanks!

Unknown zei

Just in time for some summer fun! Thanks!

NancyD zei

Sliekje, I am posting a card with this really cute image today. Thank you for the freebie.


diana zei

Hello Sliekje,

i love your freebies und i have it use for a summercard you can see it here


thank you for your freebie.

Tara zei

So very adorable! Thank you so much for sharing your talent. It is very generous of you. I can't wait to get some of these printed do o can story coloring. much love from Seattle, WA

janelle winchcole zei

so very cute, thank you so much.